Hello! Reader,

Glad you have dropped-in here, to “The Influencer Talksor TIT.

The Influencer Talks by Atul Mathur is conclusively a heart-to-heart show wherein individuals share the massive growth and expansion of their one-headed goal.

Currently, the show as a whole is hosted by the Founder who is a versatile learner, an influencer, a motivational speaker to the core with an adventurous experience of 25 years in the industry of Media & Entertainment including the All-India Radio, Doordarshan & Stage Shows and Education.

Holding on to the substantial demands, a team of professionals are also involved in exercising this platform efficiently.

TIT is a home for recognised as well as unrecognized yet purpose-drenched, enthusiastic individuals who rose up amongst all odds to stand apart from the crowd by following their passions and goals. You are likely to hear from artists in all forms, businessmen and women, authors, musicians, officers to even athletes; varied niche and characters awaits to knock at the door of your heart especially to our youth.

Just as a famous saying goes, “In the middle of every difficulty lies opportunity” by Albert Einstein, so is this opportunity depicted at each episode through the life of the astounding people chatting with us. Before pushing off from us, a shade of nationalism is assured to encounter you from within.

Thus, we promise every conversation to be a REMARKABLE learning experience when you watch/hear.

How did the idea of TIT strike?

12 years at Alma mater involving Anchoring Shows, Acting, Writing, Directing, Compering and Editing plus 24-long years of corporate journey with Media and Entertainment Industry; working with national and international brands while placed at top management levels planted a seed in the heart of the founder, Atul Mathur.

He realised the need of a platform to put up his experiences in order to fill up the wants of the desiring younger ones aspiring to reach this industry. He knew that an INFLUENCE depicted could help anyone build up a foundation and guide them through the right path & attitude to eventually create their own Magic.

Then, there was no waiting anymore.

The Influencer Talks was born.

An add-on to this is made through podcasts that are delivered now. How else to embrace accessibility and communication!

How far do we desire to take this?

Though Atul Mathur is the driving force behind this phenomenal platform, still do not interpret this as a one-man show. This platform longs to canvas more professionals in varied niches further. Excited?

With the growing technological modern age, we are desiring to target the youth to transform them into youth-icons.

Here, we endorse uniqueness and desire to continue that way and so there is no age limit barrier to anyone coming up on stage with us.

Every inch of the above mentioned would only be possible if you listen, subscribe and read to us as an epitome of your love.

This will be highly appreciated by our team members who are focused only to inspire and help revolutionize your life.